Friday, March 14, 2008

CCP Statement on Lahore Bombings

The Concerned Citizens of Pakistan (CCP) condemn in no uncertain terms the third suicide bomb attack in the city of Lahore in recent weeks. We deplore the multiple acts of terror the citizens of Lahore have suffered on 11th March and stress that they are not random, nor inexplicable. The innocent people who are losing their lives are suffering the fallout of the Government's actions and policies while the people responsible for this backlash are seemingly unaffected. We express our deep sympathy for the families of the bereaved and pray for the souls of those who fell victim to the violence.

We welcome the Murree Accord between the two major political parties, agreeing on two very important steps
needed to strengthen democracy in Pakistan. One, the restoration of the judges within 30 days of formation of
Government, and two, the elimination of dictatorship from the country. We also appreciate that the 17
th of March
has finally been set for the first session of Parliament, already a month after elections were held. The law and order
situation and the declaration of high security alert in the country should not impede the process or delay it any further.
We demand peaceful transfer of power to the elected representatives
and the immediate resignation of Pervez
Musharraf in deference to the peoples' expressed will
. The CCP voices the concerns of the people of
Pakistan who have spoken against the Establishment through their vote. The Establishment's war of terror, funded
and backed by the US, is not our war. The US should desist from interference in the internal affairs of Pakistan.
This has already brought terror into our homes. The people of Pakistan must determine their own destiny. We are not
terrorists, in fact we are the victims of this misdirected and unholy war.

In Complete Solidarity,