(Courtesy The News)
"KARACHI: There are reports that the government of Pakistan is using its influence with a foreign country to get the Geo TV network closed down, as the Geo TV network refused to surrender to the will of the government. It should be noted that Geo news and its entire sister channels had been closed down across Pakistan after the imposition of emergency.
Earlier, the cable operators in Pakistan were forced to close all channels being operated by Geo Network and the Pakistani viewers were deprived of the great source of information. However, the Geo TV was on air from its Dubai office.
The latest developments are that the government of Pakistan has gone to the limit of seeking the closure of Geo News network across the globe through a country.
After this closure of Geo Network, the worldwide viewers would not be able to watch the great source of information worldwide. According to Geo TV network, it did not surrender to the will of the government and did not sign any paper of compliance with the government, for which it has been punished that its worldwide telecast is being gagged. On this occasion, Senior Geo News analyst Kamran Khan, Host of Capital Talk Hamid Mir, Dr Amir Liaquat Hussein, Geo News Senior analyst Nasir Beig Chughtai, Justice (rtd) Saeeduz Zaman Siddiqui, Senior defence analyst (Rtd) Talat Masud and British member of Parliament Mohammed Sarwar expressed their grief over this government step regarding closing down the Geo News network and condemned this fresh government attack on the media.It should be noted that nearly all the news channels of the country were taken off air, as soon as the emergency was announced in the country. PEMRA hammered out code of conduct for the media to follow and it was said only those channels would be allowed to operate if they fall in line with the government wishes. "
How many more voices will they silence? How many more people will they blindfold as they continue the carnage in the darkness that engulfs us?
People of this country, shed your cynicism, let go of this insidious apathy that has afflicted our very souls. We do not have much time..
The voice of Truth and Justice shall prevail..
In Complete Unity.
Saturday, November 17, 2007
GEO TV being shut down
Posted by
The Neem Revolution
12:27 AM
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but wat can we do?!!!
"How many more voices will they silence? How many more people will they blindfold as they continue the carnage in the darkness that engulfs us?
People of this country, shed your cynicism, let go of this insidious apathy that has afflicted our very souls. We do not have much time.."
Talk about sensationalist language...
jealous? hehe
We should concentrate on the pathetic apathetic people.
We are, indeed, a dead nation. Lets educate our people first.
Not much of a fan of BNazir but she is right in appealing to the people to wake up and head for the roads to oust these gundas who have literally grabbed everything and are hobbling it down till they vomit!!!!!!!!
Pakistani news is being shut down because they are a threat to the criminals. There is a taboo against critisizing a sitting military dictator. Pakistani media has shown courage for shedding this taboo.
The next taboo they need to shed is soft handling of "friendly" foreign countries.
Why talk about "a foreign country"? Is it Dubai? Lets name names, and put the pressure on them. Any country that helps silence Pak media is no friend.
Closing the TV channels and limiting the type of information that can reach the public is like blind-folding them and letting them search their way in the dark. Too long have Pakistanis been blind-folded by the ruling parties who are concerned to achieve all but what is rightful and just.
With the help of some enlightened news channels like Geo TV, the public has got a taste of the luxuries, freedom of journalism, brings forth. Would the public be willing to let go on the luxury, and one of their basic right and necessity, so easily? Would the clocks turn back and the people revert back to the older days? Or would this be the dawn to a new day? Will we emerge like a strong nation, defending our rights, rather than getting our hopes shattered every time by some corrupt so-called democratic ruler?
The martial law is not the worst of times Pakistan has experienced. Even the so-called democratic rules have been plagued by corruption and agitation. Is democracy really the right way to choose our leader when most of our nation is uneducated and does not even understand the weight of their vote?
Besides becoming a laughing stroke at the international community, declaring emergency has put Pakistan decades back in its economic and political progress, and has swept away much of the prosperity it had accumulated in the past years. It has decreased investors' trust on the country's market.
What is worse is that when one of the most corrupt political leader, Ms Bhutto, comes back from the luxuries of her exile, the common man goes out of his way to welcome her back. More than a hundred get killed on their way, but guess what; Ms Bhutto doesn’t even get a scratch! But the Pakistani govt. and public must keep an open eye on who is behind her back. Remember what the American ambassador said on her visit to Pakistan. She compared how Ms. Bhutto was better than Mr. Shariff, leaving the public an option of the worst of the two bad ones. And so America wins the crown for its advocacy of being the pioneer of the so-called democracy in Pakistan.
Wait till Musharraf goes and Ms Bhutto steps in. She will open the country and give it like a piece of cake to the US army who will pick on whom so ever it wills. On the hit list is a very prominent name, Dr. Qadir. He was once known to be our national hero; the person who gave us the power to stand up against any nuclear attacks. But Pakistanis do have a way of sacrificing their heroes. We do have a way of letting the Big ones snatch away our rights, and leave us poorer than ever. We do have a way of laughing things off by the end of the day, and thinking we are alright.
Of course the achievement of the ‘Western’ world seem glorious to us today. This is because we as a nation have forgotten who we were. We have forgotten our loyal leaders. We have forgotten people like Qaid-e-Azam, Liaqat Ali, Sir Zafurullah Khan etc. I am among those millions of Pakistanis who wait to see the honesty of the above forgotten leaders and the sincerity and dedication of the ‘shudah’ (martyrs) of the wars of 1965 and 71. I am a common man, who is hoping and praying for the best for my country, and who feels the frustrations of not being in the power of doing anything for it.
Geo & GEO Team Zindabad
Na-Pak Army Murdabad
Lt Gen AURORA Zindabad
Geo Zindabad
We need another Gen Aurora to crush Na-Pak army
The U.S. Deputy Secretary of State is due to meet Musharraf on Saturday and was expected to push him to roll back the emergency invoked two weeks ago, release thousands of detainees and hold "free and fair" elections.
"He reiterated ... the importance of moderate forces working together in Pakistan for a better future for Pakistan and also to get Pakistan back on the pathway to constitutional rule," said State Department spokesman Sean McCormack of Negroponte's telephone discussion with Bhutto.
"He wanted to hear from her a little bit how she viewed the political situation in Pakistan. That is part of what he is trying to get a sense of," McCormack said in Washington.
Now , i will see u ( mush)in real sense with ur real boss/representative of ur boss Negroponte today .wt will be ur mood ,of dictator or something else.The voice of Truth and Justice shall prevail..
no positive results for u by banning ARY and GEO.shame on u mush.
shame on u for banning ARY and GEO. How much mouths u will shut?.160 Million , impossible.be clear ,in mind.
how much u will impose ur dandas and shut the mouths of pakistanis.it is impossible to shut 160 millions .do u know mush?
This fight is not for one person over another. It is a fight for a system, a system of accountability. We need to fight to make this system so strong that whoever tries to wrong the people of Pakistan, be it a corrupt politician or a military dictator, should be made answerable and punished.
We can't let this happen. Have you guys noticed that the only 'rival' to Musharraf who get airtime on news channels is BB? As far as I am concerned I do not want foriegn powers to dictate who will lead Pakistan. BB served 2 terms and by law shouldn't be allowed to serve a third.
Our politicians of the past have all been corrupt. The people of Pakistan should have the right to select their leader themselves. The independent tv channels like Geo help raise people's voices and concerns and we cannot afford to loose that!
The media is hardly covering the protests that are being carried out by students in universities. We only see it on blogs and sites but the majority of the world population doesn't have a clue. Even Ary is not giving it appropriate coverage (anything shady there??) Geo was the one channel showing different views rather than BB and Mush only.
If the deal to close Geo is with Dubai government then we can lodge a protest with the government at Dubai against that. They are open to listen. As long as no laws are broken they will listen. We can start a petition, lodge a complaint, talk to international media...
Musharraf's emergency is two step march.
1st. got well defended by removing CH Iftikhar from SC and musharraf is now above the law.
2nd. stopping media and harrassment of journalists means nothing to be said against musharraf and his puppets.
Pakistan is not a country of one president or a simple group but is country of public where public will should be respected.
No solution is viable unless the common man is educated. Spend your time and energies on educating people in Morals and Ethics (in addition to other education). And what better to teach about Morals and Ethics than the Islamic values themselves.
I thought we had another institution called the Army. Nobody mentions that this one man is destroying this institution as well.
Save us from these liberal fascists!
This is the worst form of extremism every witnessed by Pakistan. I cry. God save Pakistan.
jang group probably first time has shown some courage we should appreciate their efforts.
I think IK has already started something like what I am going to suggest and support. And perhaps there might be others who think along this line.
Lets setup a fund for the poor people of Pakistan. In the end we could give this money to SOS children, or Shaukat Khanum or some other poor families that suffered from the Oct 8th earthquake.
We should collect this money in the name of the jusges who didnt give oath under PCO and in the name of those journalists who have been sacked for reporting the truth. Lets collect money in the name of justice, liberty, freedom, tolerance, peace, and liberal values.
The amount of money we collect, shall be a silent revolution in itself.
Note: This money is not meant for any political reasons. It shouldn't go to IK, BB or NS. Its simply a justice fund. Out of all this protest and movement, we might get some form of democracy. It might be that BB come to power. But I doubt it will be any real democracy. So, at least something positive must come out of this all. Do not neglect the poor people in all of this.
I was awake till 1:00am to catch glimpses of Dr. Shahid Masood and other members of Geo News Channel before they were mouth locked. The anchorperson, who cried at one point, her precious tears left me sleepless that night. We got used to those appearing on Geo News and found them like our family members. It is unfortunate to admit that one institution of Pakistan has made this country a personal propriety - but a private-hell for 160-million nation. I can’t find a deserted place where I could cry on these things with my heart out. Hopefully, crying isn’t against the national interest? I guess our elders made a mistake creating Pakistan. We would have been much better placed in a united democratic India rather than in a country being ruled by few generals , landlords, fat cats and goons. Why did Khan Abdul Ghaffar Khan message go unheard?
Zulfiqar Gul
I was awake till 1:00pm to catch glimpses of Dr. Shahid Masood and other members of Geo News Channel before they were mouth locked. The anchorperson, who cried at one point, her precious tears left me sleepless that night. We got used to those appearing on Geo News and found them like our family members. It is unfortunate to admit that one institution of Pakistan has made this country a personal propriety - but a private-hell for 160-million nation. I can’t find a deserted place where I could cry on these things with my heart out. Hopefully, crying isn’t against the national interest?
Zulfiqar Gul
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